- You’ll be charged as soon as your parcel leaves our warehouse.
- If for some reason we’re unable to send your parcel, you will not be charged.
- The amount might be reserved for us on your account by the credit card issuer, meaning you won’t be able to use the funds for a short period of time.
- You’ll be charged once we’ve registered the incoming payment. Usually a payment is confirmed by PayPal within a few minutes.
- If we’re unable to send your parcel, we’ll be sure to refund the money to your PayPal account.
We offer this type of payment via our partner RatePAY. This means that you will enter into a payment agreement with RatePAY.
- You must be of legal age to pay in this way.
- Your invoice will be emailed to you by RatePAY three days after your order.
- After receiving the invoice, you will have 14 days to pay it.
If you make a return before the payment due date, you will only be charged for the retained items and the delivery charges. This means that you simply need to deduct the amount of the returned items from the original invoice amount.
Important: You will not receive an updated invoice if only part of the order is returned.
When returning all items, shipping costs no longer apply.
Note: The due date for payment of the RatePAY invoice is independent of our 100 day right of return. If you want to use our 100-day right of return, but return the goods to us only after the invoice payment due date, we ask that you respect the payment due date on your invoice and, first , to transfer the total amount of the invoice.
As soon as we have confirmed your return, we will refund you through RatePAY. The payable credit will then only be possible if there are no further debts due to RatePAY. If you have debts, the credit will be deducted. If any remaining credit subsequently exists, this will be refunded by RatePAY.
We recommend that you contact RatePAY customer service if you have any questions regarding your invoices or payments, due to data protection law we do not have a complete overview:
Tel: + 49 30 983 20 86 20
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